6 May 2010

Wow...Just Wow

Did the sight of a sopping wet Harry Redknapp give anyone else the horn? I got a little excited by his shirt going a little see through and if I had Sky+ I would have rewound and searched desperately for a sight of nipple. The old codger was an Adonis to me last night, the man who made this possible. My wrinkly, saggy, beautiful hero!

On top of that, predictably sensing a ‘star jump’ opportunity, we were treated to David Bentley dancing in his pants. Of course he had to be bottomless, you could sense that he‘d prepared it to be just so. ‘What’s that JJ…you’re going to soak the gaffer? Hold on, let me get out of these shorts and I’ll be with you.’ Such malarkey epitomises the level of good cheer which is currently drowning N17 and I love it. The players and fans united in unbridled joy. What a night.

Unfortunately after every big night there is the aftermath. Woke up this morning, still wearing my King shirt from last night, with a cataclysmic hangover. But it’s alright, we’re in the Champions League. Splitting headache? Of course. Wallet emptied? Check. Lost voice? You bet your arse. But it’s all completely worth it because we’re in the Champions League.

Say it again. We’re in the ruddy Champions League. Crikey!

Still hasn’t sunk in but I‘m looking forward to when it does. By jove we deserved it on the night and we’ve deserved it for our efforts throughout the season.

I’m in far too much pain to do a full match write up at the moment, expect one later, but for now I’ll just be enjoying this warm, wonderful, fuzzy feeling. I’m going to embrace my stupid, inane, smug grin saved for some City supporting colleagues at work. I will continue to sing the Champions League warble that is stuck in my head and after giving it some level of thought, I’m going to relish getting carried away with it all for the next few days. My brain keeps trying to say ‘we’ve still got to qualify for it yet’ but I’m going to banish those worries and just celebrate the achievement.

I fucking love this club and I’m starting to think it loves me too.

*Apologies for a lack of action round these here parts recently. Unfortunately other commitments have taken precedence, ruddy occupation getting in the way again and such!


  1. Brilliant victory!!! 4th place is ours and I couldn't be happier!!!!! Congrats Spud!

  2. I am slightly concerned at you getting the horn over a moist Redknapp...

    In fact, the sentence I have just typed concerns me equally.

    Argh! I'm tainted!!

  3. Congratulations to you to Mr Wehbi!

    Kymbiz don't be afraid of the image, embrace it and fully appreciate Harry as a God! Although a 'moist' Redknapp does sound a little unappealing...


All opinions welcome, knee-jerk reactions frowned upon